
Showing posts from August, 2023

Big Brother 25 Pre-Season Rankings

  Tonight, Big Brother will premiere its 25th season with a live move-in. Before the game begins, here are my pre-season rankings.  16. Kirsten It doesn’t sound like she’s seen much of the show, she says she watched the show as a kid. Her strategy is to align with the strong people right off the bat. She says she wants to have a big alliance and steamroll all other alliances. She isn’t going to tell the houseguests she’s a molecular biologist and instead is telling them she’s a swimsuit designer.  Ok a lot to unpack from Kirsten. She’s obviously only seen recent seasons because she wants to form a big strong alliance early in the game. She also had this arrogance about her that I don’t like. She’s definitely gonna come on way too strong, and will probably only last a few weeks.  15. Hisam  Hisam’s strategy is to find a good ride or die, who has their emotions in check. He then wants each of them to create two factionig groups. He wants him and his ride or die to stay within the middle