Big Brother 25 Pre-Season Rankings


Tonight, Big Brother will premiere its 25th season with a live move-in.

Before the game begins, here are my pre-season rankings. 

16. Kirsten

It doesn’t sound like she’s seen much of the show, she says she watched the show as a kid. Her strategy is to align with the strong people right off the bat. She says she wants to have a big alliance and steamroll all other alliances. She isn’t going to tell the houseguests she’s a molecular biologist and instead is telling them she’s a swimsuit designer. 

Ok a lot to unpack from Kirsten. She’s obviously only seen recent seasons because she wants to form a big strong alliance early in the game. She also had this arrogance about her that I don’t like. She’s definitely gonna come on way too strong, and will probably only last a few weeks. 

15. Hisam 

Hisam’s strategy is to find a good ride or die, who has their emotions in check. He then wants each of them to create two factionig groups. He wants him and his ride or die to stay within the middle of these two split groups, to avoid from having either side get too powerful. 

I don’t know why but I’m not feeling him. He comes off as someone who will play very sloppy early on, and it will lead to a very early eviction. I actually would not be surprised if he was the first to go, just because he seems like he’s gonna get too carried away early on. 

14. Luke 

Luke’s strategy is really just to be the friendly, lovable guy up front, but he says behind that is a cunning and that he’ll always be on his toes. He says he’s not going to tell people he’s a Sagittarius(what?) 

He definitely is the token influencer this season. He just doesn’t seem to really have a big game plan. I mean he may do okay at competitions, but I’m not impressed with him. I mean he may be strung along by stronger players, but he won’t win. 

13. Red

Red is the token country boy this season. He admits he hasn’t watched much Big Brother, but his family used to watch religiously. He says he won’t tell people he’s a salesperson, he also says he’s unsure if he’ll tell the other houseguests how old he is. 

Ok his interview didn’t give much in terms of strategy, so I’m definitely on the fence about him. I could see him floating through the game and riding coattails, but that’s it. He seems like a nice guy though. 

12. Matt 

The first deaf houseguest! He says he’s a fan, but says he’s only seen a couple seasons because he’s too busy training for the deaflympics. He says he’ll be good at physical comps, but not ones where it requires a lot of listening. He wants to win the first HoH so people will come to him for alliances. He says he won’t tell people he can read lips, which he’s actually very good at. 

Ok Matt seems like a nice guy, but only really seems to be relying on comp wins alone. He does say he’ll throw some competitions, but it doesn’t seem like he’ll have a good strategic game going forward. 

11. Reilly 

Her strategy is really to just stay on her toes and adapting to whatever is happening in the game. She also doesn’t want to be a floater. 

Ok she seems like a nice girl, and sitting back and adapting is good. But I don’t see her winning. She may go deep in the game by winning competitions, but I don’t feel like she has a chance at winning. 

10. Bowie 

Personality wise, I love Bowie. She’s the first Australian to ever compete on the American version. She claims to be a fan of the show from watching the Australian version of BB, and knows it’s much more brutal her in the US. She’d 45, but plans on telling the houseguests she’s 34. Yea that makes total sense right? She is going to lie about being a lawyer, which I totally get, but she also automatically thinks if you’re a lawyer, that it means you’ll automatically get evicted.

I like her personality, but there’s now way in hell she’ll master the strategic game. She may be fun to hang out with and may be used just for her vote, but I don’t see her winning at all. 

9. Blue

Right off the bat, blue comes off super annoying. In interviews she’s sort of answering in the same way a stereotypical pageant girl will talk. It comes off as fake. She says she’s gonna lie about being a brand strategist, because I guess if you’re a brand strategist, you’ll kill it in a strategic game like Big Brother. I guess that  means anyone with a doctorate degree  oils perform major brain surgery? She  also wants to win competition and rely on what she calls a “mean social game.” 

First impression of Blue isn’t very good. She comes off as a mean girl in a way, but not a good mean girl like Britney or Rachel. Maybe more like Paloma or Nicole Franzel. She just comes off as not only fake, but someone who will cause a lot of drama, and get evicted early for being a loose cannon and/or troublemaker. 

8. America

America claims to be a BB Superfan. She has no problem with lying and backstabbing, but also wants to lay low at the beginning of the game, using her bubbly personality to advance her, and only lie when she needs to. She also had an Ivy League which she wants to keep from the houseguest. 

America obviously has a big personality, which means we may have some standout moments from her. Gameplay wise, I’m on the fence about her. I think she could go deep in the game just based on sort of floating or riding coattails, or will go early for making a very stupid game move. I really don’t know how to take her just yet. 

7. Jared 

Jared is the son of Four time Survivor player and winner of The Traitors Cirie Fields, so he comes from reality tv royalty. He says his strategy is to remain fluid and fly under the radar and only really play if he needs to. He doesn’t plan on telling the houseguests who his mom is, which is smart.

Ok I’m obviously biased because of his mom. I really don’t know how well he’ll do. If he’s anything like his mom, I could see him doing well. Plus I don’t know how well he’ll be able to keep his secret. He looks just like his mom, and Cory may recognize him since he also watches survivor and his brother Zach was obviously on the show. I’m really on the fence about him right now.   

6. Mecole

Mecole works in politics and says she’s going to play the game like a politician. She also says she’ll be playing her own game as opposed to someone else’s. 

I’m really in the bubble about her. She definitely has a great personality and talks a big game, I’m just really happy unsure if she can pull it off 

5. Izzy 

She’s a huge fan of the show, and feels the show doesn’t get enough queer representation, and although she’s seen every season, she only started watching the show in January of this year.  She wants to start the game by laying low, but later start winning comps. She also says she’ll use her social game to the point where people will tell her secrets, and she’ll use them to her advantage. 

Using secrets to her advantage kind of gives off sort of an Andy Herren vibe. I really like Izzy as a person, however I’m not ready to put her in a contender box yet. I’m really gonna have to see the first few weeks how she does. I do however want her to go far, and think she could. 

4. Felicia

Felicia at 63 is the oldest woman to ever play the game and I believe is the second oldest to ever play. 

She may be 63, but doesn’t really come off as a 63 year old. She gives off a real hip grandma vibe, like the cool grandma who buys their grandkids alcohol. She says she feels she’ll have a great relationship with the younger people in the house, and wants to sort of be the “go-to” person. 

I won’t lie, she’s sort giving me Sandra Diaz-Twine vibes with sort of her “as long as it ain’t me” type strategy. She really wants to focus on building relationships. She is sort of at a disadvantage being the oldest person this season. However I think people may underestimate her. I feel she will lay low, but like Sandra, won’t  hesitate to make a move if she has to. It’s too early to tell how she’ll do, but she shows promise. 

3. Cameron 

Cameron is an obvious superfan and has auditioned five times previously. He notes that he’s going to downplay how much of a fan he is. He doesn’t want to win many competitions early on, but also doesn’t want to lay too low to come off as a floater. He’s more about building relationships and connections with his fellow houseguests. 

Cameron is very smart. Building connections is one of the biggest parts of the game, and if he can build connections early on, and maybe use them to make moves later in the game, I could see him doing very well. Even if he isn’t a strategic mastermind like Dan or Dr Will, he could use the same gameplay Steve, Ian, Kaycee, and others have by just using their social game to get far and go all the way. 

2. Cory 

Cory is not only the youngest houseguest this season, and the first houseguest to be born after Big Brother premiered, but he’s also the younger brother of Zach Wurtenberger, the first person voted out in Survivor 42. First impressions, he’s funny, witty, maybe comes off a little nervous, but it could also be excitement since he’s a superfan. His strategy is to really lay low, and sort of come off as a naive, nerdy mama’s boy who people think they can carry to the end. 

Cory is very self aware, knows how to play the quiet nerd. I really have high hopes for him as a player. I really hope he doesn’t disappoint. 

1. Jag 

Jag is the first Sikh houseguest to ever compete on the show, and the first to wear a turban. Bes excited to represent his community in the house, which is already a plus. He also says he’s a fan and is super competitive. Jag says he’s willing to get blood on his hands and do whatever it will take to win. He doesn’t want to play a lone wolf game and instead have a group of Allies to take with him. He also mentions loyalty and having good jury management, but he’s open to having to lie and backstab. He also wants to downplay how smart he is. Jag also plans on not telling them he’s in real estate and that he owns a gas truck company.

I really like Jag. I honestly think he could be a threat to win. The way he explains his game, really makes me think he’ll actually do well, and possibly win the game. I can’t wait to see him play. 


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