The Bachelor Season 27 - Week 4 Recap


Another Monday, means another two hours of The Bachelor.

After last week’s rollercoaster episode which resulted in two people leaving before the rose ceremony, and another shocking elimination at the rose ceremony, it’s bound to be another crazy week, so here we go! 

The show opens with the girls talking about how emotional the previous night was. 

Jesse arrives at the mansion and explains that there’s no date today, because they’re going to The Bahamas. Their first trip away from California! Exciting!!!!

After landing the girls check out their new home. It really makes me want to go to The Bahamas. I won’t lie. 

Now the gratuitous shot of Zach showing outdoors. We’ve never seen that before.

The first date card arrives and it’s for Kat! The note says, “How deep is our love?” They’re gonna go see a Bee Gees tribute band? 

Now Greer is crying up a storm because she didn’t get the 1-on-1 date, as if it’s the greatest crime against humanity. Anastasia is feeling discouraged, but at least she isn’t being overly dramatic. I find it ironic that these girls throw major tantrums when they don’t get selected for the date. You aren’t the only one there, this is what you signed up for! 

1-on-1 Day - Kat 

It looks like they’re starting their date off on a boat together. So we begin with Kat and Zach rubbing sunscreen on each other. The lathering session ends with a kiss, following Kat taking off his shirt. This is the closest The Bachelor will ever get to softcore HBO porn. Take it all in. 

They spend time dancing on the boat followed by snorkeling. Kat and Zach are both enjoying their time together.

Back at the hotel. The other ladies are hanging by the pool, some upset that they didn’t get the 1-on-1 date. Anastasia remarks that she feels Zach has already narrowed it down between a few women, and that she doesn’t think she’s one of them, making her nervous. 

Back on the date, Zach and Kat are sitting by the bitch. Zach said it didn’t even feel like their first date because of how comfortable they were together, Zach says he notices Kat more than she thinks. Kat is surprised how good the dates going, and how their fire keeps building. 

Back at the hotel, the girls sit around and that. Jess remarks that it’s scary to watch connections form on 1-on-1s, calling is terrifying. The group date card arrives, and going on the date are; Ally, Kaity, Ariel, Davia, Genevie, Anastasia, Kylie, Mercedes, Charity, Gabi, Jess, and Greer. The note says, “it’s time to turn up the heat.” Hmm. This means Brooklyn is going on the other 1-on-1. Charity is a little discouraged that she has yet to go on a 1-on-1.

Back at the date, Zach and Kat arrive at fake dinner where he will probably give Kat a rose. Zach talks about his family, saying they all like to spend time together, and that’s what he wants in a relationship. Kat remarks she wants the same thing, but it also calls it scary. 

She then talks about how her and her mom struggled in their relationship, to the point where she didn’t even live at home for a period of time. She wants to have what she didn’t have as a kid. She starts to get emotional, saying she has felt unlovable in the past due to her upbringing. Zach says he doesn’t want her to have that dear, and that Kat deserves to be love for who she is. Zach admires that she’s being vulnerable. They follow up their conversation with a kiss. Of course, Zach gives her a rose. I’m not mad about this at all. The date ends with fireworks while Zach and Kat kiss under the stars. 

Kat and Zach have a genuine connection it seems. Then again, a lot of people do. It’s gonna start to get to the point soon where Zach really has to narrow it down. 

Group Date - Ally, Kaity, Ariel, Davia, Genevie, Anastasia, Kylie, Mercedes, Charity, Gabi, Jess, and Greer

The ladies are greeted by Zach at the beach. Zach explains they as opposed to high paced group dates they’ve had during the season, they’re taking it easy. They arrive at a party complete with food, a band, and more. Al the girls are dancing and having a good time and even doing shots. Jealous girls plus alcohol never ends well. Let’s see what happens.

Gabi is whining because a lot of activities involve shellfish, and can’t do anything or even kiss Zach because she’s allergic to shellfish. As if the producers are purposely trying to sabotage her time with Zach, or even possibly try to murder her. 

Jess said, all girls agreed to share time with Zach on the date. However Anastasia has different plans, trying to steal attention from Zach while doing the limbo. Anastasia then decided to forget all of that and steals Zach away from the group. Anastasia is desperately flirting with Zach, while the rest of the girls sprout horns and pull out the voodoo dolls. 

Kylee wants to be seen so she decided to steal Zach. Anastasia doesn’t like the idea and asks for another minute. Of course she finally lets them have a moment, while saying how unfair it was that she was stolen. The same girl who made a pact to share Zach on this date. 

Anastasia and Kylee have different conversations with the ladies, especially the, “I’m not gonna fight you.” Anastasia is ru. Ing around everywhere, telling all the girls that kylee was wanting to physically fight her, shiv most of the girls are seeing it as a cheap way to start drama. 

The ladies arrive at the after party, where Aly hopes the drama won’t continue. Katy is first to talk to Zach, hoping she can make an impression after not spending much time with him during the date. She tells Zach that trying to talk to him in a group setting is tough, but she’s definitely here for him. They share a kiss. This is the theme this season, short conversations and a kiss. 

Next Zach and Charity  talk, Zach says it’s easy and effortless with her. Charity is surprised how good his intentions are. 

Gabi tells Zach he had a dream about him and that’s how she knows she likes him, 

Ok now Anastasia and Kylee talk. Anastasia says it was a miscommunication and that she misunderstood kylee’s words. Kylee talks to Zach about the situation. She tells Zach about conversations she said Charity heard, Anastasia has been having with other girls, about the number of Instagram followers she has. This scared Zach, who says he doesn’t want someone there for the wrong reasons. Charity confirms she  did overhear the conversation. Zach joins the group and explains what he heard, and steals Anastasia to talk about it, the other girls are extremely confused. 

Zach immediately asks Anastasia if she’s really there for him. Zach explains the allegations and says he’s shocked. Anastasia says she is just as shocked. She said she’d had a conversations with the girls about different contacts, but she’s there 100% for him. 

Anastasia says she’s hurt and shocked about what was said. Kylee told the group she told Zach she didn’t hear if from Anastasia personally, and said she was asked about it. 

Next Ariel and Zach talk. She is checking in on him after the Anastasia drama, she explains that anytime he’s having a struggle, that she can lean on him, and she felt appreciated by him  during the date. 

Zach rejoins the groups. He says it was an overall great day, and that he appreciates all of them. He then gives Ariel the rose. The obvious choice on the date.  

Anastasia is now crying because she didn’t get the rose, saying she feels manipulated after Kylee twisted the story of her talking about Instagram followers. 

1-on-1 date - Brooklyn 

Brooklyn and Zach meet for their date, which involves riding ATVs in the jungles of The Bahamas. Brooklyn was very flattered she was picked for this date. 

The girls are in the pool discussing the drama with Anastasia. Kylee says she doesn’t want to been seen as a drama starter. Charity said she heard the comment while at the airport.  Anastasia explains she feels attacked, and is disappointed Zach would think she was here for the wrong reasons. 

Following the ATV trip, Zach and Brooklyn meet back in the beach. He explains the moment they had with the lasso night one, is where he realized he wanted to get to know her more. Zach definitely sees something between them, and hopes she can open up more to him. 

Zach and Brooklyn meet up at at their fake dinner, where Brooklyn plans on opening up with Zach. 

Zach says he loves her confidence, calling it attractive.

Brooklyn explains she was in a relationship with someone like her dad, where it was an emotionally and eventually physical abusive relationship. She explains that if she wouldn’t have got out of the relationship, that she wouldn’t be on the bachelor. She loved that Zach appreciates her for who she is. Zach calls Brooklyn tough, and says he’s sick to his stomach that she had to go through that. She continues saying, one night she actually was waken up by cops because she was knocked out. Zach calls Brooklyn a badass for overcoming what she went through; calling her brave and confident. He then gives Brooklyn a rose.

They dance and kiss each other while listening to someone serenade them with a guitar. 

The ladies now meet up for the cocktail party. Zach joins the ladies, and says the week they had was incredible. He explains he’s following his heart and guts, and pulls Anastasia aside. 

Zach explains there were concerns the heard during the group date. Anastasia says her character and integrity is everything to her, and was upset that he had doubt in her. She explains she only came to see if there was a connection between them, as opposed for Instagram followers. He thanks her for sharing this with her, but can’t discredit what people are saying. In the end he sends Anastasia home. Kylee breaks down, blaming herself for sending Anastasia home. I mean she was the one who went to Zach with the information. 

Zach meets next with Charity. She thanks Zach for being a trusting person, and providing her a safe space. Zach says Charity is fun to be with and that she makes him feel special.

Kat and Zach meet again, and share a kiss after playing a game of pool. 

Davia, is now in tears because they haven’t had much time together. 

Zach then meets with Davia, and says he knows they really haven’t had a chance to spend time with her, but they had a connection in the beginning, which scares Davia. 

Kylee is talking about her impending conversation with Zach,  but before she gets the chance, Jesse comes and tells the girls that it’s time for the rose ceremony to begin, 

Before the rose ceremony, Kylee breaks down, wanting to go home, saying she can’t sit through the rose ceremony. 

Well I guess she’s going because there she is. Well that drama was short lived. Kylee is worrrie

Rose Ceremony 

Kat, Ariel, and Brooklyn already have their roses and won’t be going anywhere tonight. 

Zach says while this week was challenging, he’s lucky to be with such amazing women.

He then offers roses to; Charity, Kaity, Gabi, Jess, Mercedes, Aly, Greer, and Kylee

Which means we say goodbye to Davia and Genevie 

The heartbroken ladies say goodbye and leave the mansion. Davia remarks there was a great connection at the beginning, but doesn’t know what happened. 

While Davia breaks down outside, Zach reveals the remaining women are going to London! 

A lot to talk about after this episode. First off, I’m shocked at how easily Zach is swayed  h these women when it comes to drama. He sent Christina home last week after ladies became upset with her talking too much about their 1-on-1 date, when it was totally clear she meant no harm by her comments.  Now he sends Anastasia home over a similar she said/she said situation, that seems happened even before the cameras were rolling. Not to mention, both situations involved Charity, who seems to be silently stirring the pot. She’s manipulating the hell out of things and Zach is falling for it. 

It was time to send Davia and Genevie home. Neither stood a chance with the connections he already had with the other women. I feel with the remaining 11, several have genuine connections, and will get messy quick soon with the way Zach is unintentionally leading everyone on.

Next week’s preview shows Jesse delivering bad news to the tearful ladies, and Zach talking on what seems like a zoom call. The way they’re setting it up, makes it seems he is dropping out, but considering earlier previews show him at the final rose ceremony, I doubt that’s what’s happening.


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