Survivor 44 - Pre-Season Power Rankings


Tonight, Survivor begins its 44th season. 18 new castaways will begin the journey to the title of sole  survivor, 

Before the premiere tonight, I’ve ranked all 18 castaways based off their pre season interviews. Join us as we cover the season each week. 

18: Brandon 

So we have the token former athlete of the season. I don’t know why, but athletes never really do well on Survivor. They’re either targeted for being too athletic or being  a merge challenge threat, or they have no idea how to play the game. Brandon seems like a nice guy, but the way he presents himself makes me think he won’t stay around very long. He just doesn’t seem like he gets the social part of the game very well. I could be wrong, but I don’t see him lasting very long. 

17: Maddie

Part of me wants to really say Maddy is a contender, but the biggest thing going against her I think is how she wants to be the center of attention. She says she wants to not come off intimidating, but come merge wants to be out in the open. She said she’s tired of girls watching from the sidelines, and not making moves. She comes off as the type who is very abrasive and in your face early in the game, playing too hard too fast; wanting to make big moves and blindside people just for clout. I don’t see her lasting long at all. 

16: Jamie 

She thinks her role in corporate America will help her on survivor. It might’ve helped Richard Hatch season 1, but also he was honestly the only one really playing to win the first season. To be honest, she seems to be kind of stuck up. She seems to have a good personality, but comes off at annoying. I really don’t see her making it to merge, especially her talking such a big game, talking about planting seeds, etc. She’s  gonna be a person who opens her mouth too much and it will get her in trouble. 

15: Matt

Another Nerdy castaway. I honestly don’t know what to think of Matt. Part of me thinks he’ll go deep, the other part of me thinks he’ll be strategically inept and not go far at all. I’m really gonna have to see more of him, but as of right now I’m not getting winner vibes. 

14: Sarah 

She kind of has a dry, businesswoman type personality. She says working in a male dominated field has taught her about working with different types of personalities that have different views on what they think of her coming in. Okay? She’s gonna use this to earn people’s trust. Honestly Sarah comes off as kind of “meh” to me. I don’t dislike her by any means, but I don’t love her. She may grow on me as the season progresses, and she is a super fan, but as of right now, I’m not really impressed. 

13: Claire 

Claire has a lot of huge personality, and obviously loves the game. I don’t get much glimpse into her strategy. However, I really don’t see her lasting long. I just feel she really won’t bring anything to the table except just being a nice girl. 

12: Carolyn 

Well we have our eccentric lady of the season. First the good; I love that Carolyn is a drug counselor and is open about struggles with addiction, and that she’s been sober for 13 years. Now for the bad. She comes off as super annoying and over the top. One of two things will happen. She’ll either be a pre-merge boot, or she’ll be dragged to the end as a goat, I don’t think she’ll be the best strategic and social player, and I doubt she’ll bring much to challenges. 

11: Josh 


Josh is a podiatrist who has suffered adversity his entire life, and says his job as a doctor will help him navigate the social aspect of the game. I’m not overly impressed by his bio. I feel like he may stick around for a while and maybe help him win challenges, but I really don’t think he has the most well rounded game to win. He comes off another Donathan, Will Wahl, or Laurel who spends most of the season talking a big game, talking about building their resume and making big moves, yet they never make a single move in the game. He is likable and has the charisma, but he really doesn’t scream winner to me. 

10: Frannie

I love Frannie’s personality. She’s bubbly and quirky like Aubry and Maryanne, which I love. However I don’t think she’ll do to well with this mindset of coming in wanting to do all these blindsides and be a villain. It could really hurt her game if she comes in too hot. Plus she comes off as the one who will annoy her tribe mates. Being annoying, and playing too hard too fast, is not a good combination. 

9: Danny 

From the start i can immediately tell Danny is very self aware. He knows how he can come across and he perceived. You don’t see that a lot anymore. Especially with “bro-ish jerks,” like Danny calls himself. I think Danny will either go pre-merge because he doesn’t really mesh well with his tribe, or he’ll make merge, and be voted out after maybe winning a few individual immunities. I really don’t see him winning. At the most probably 2nd or 3rd. 

8: Kane

Kane is obviously a fierce competitor who will probably play a bold, strategic game. The question is, can he make the right moves to get him to the end? Im really on the bubble about him. Part of me thinks he’s gonna do really well, while the other part of me thinks he won’t make it to merge. I need to see how he plays the game the first few weeks, but he has potential to do well. 

7: Matthew  

Matthew is a nice guy. Maybe too nice. He’s gonna be fun to watch, comes off as a great strategic player, and he’s a superfan which I always love. However he talks about coming in being the nice, funny guy. I see him going deep, but I think him being the nice guy will be his own worst enemy. He notes Elaine Stott as one of the players he’s most like. Just like Matthew plans on playing, Elaine was the fun, likable girl, who everyone seemed to get along with, and she was voted out for those reasons. Needless to say, Matthew will probably suffer the same fate. 

6: Yam Yam 

I love his personality. I highly doubt he’ll do well in challenges, but he may make up for it in personality and social game. If he can get in the right alliance, I could see him going far. I don’t know if he’ll win, but he could go very deep in the game. 

5: Heidi 

First off, i love her accent! She has a fun personality as well, so at the most she’ll be entertaining. Her bio doesn’t give much glimpse into her strategy, but I do think with her personality alone she could be a huge game player. I’m not ready to say that I think she has a chance at winning though because I have to really see how she plays the game. 

4: Carson 

Nerdy superfans unite! As a nerdy superfan myself, I tend to gravitate towards that type of contestant. I’ll try to good my bias. I like how he plans to fly under the radar in the beginning and just come off as a nice nerdy kid. If he can use this strategy well, I see him going far. The nerdy superfan rarely wins so it will be interesting to see how he does. I have high hopes though. 

3: Bruce 

I like him as a person. He’s a family man who was in foster care. He’s obviously had to fight to get to where he is with a family and working in real estate. He says this has helped him learn to adapt and that’s what he plans on doing. I will admit he came off as boring in the beginning of

His interview. However as he starts to tell, he comes off as someone who will be exciting to watch play the game. The question is, will he make it all the way? Or will he be seen as a threat early merge? He’s one to watch. 

2: Lauren 

A single mom who’s a fan of the game. Lauren says going through a divorce and raising two boys on her own will help her adapt. She cites Erika and Natalie Anderson as her favorite players. There’s something about Lauren I really like. She seems like the type that’s been winning survivor lately. Great social game, doesn’t come off as a huge strategic player, but makes very subtle moves to get her along in the game. 

1: Helen 

Helen really impressed me. In her bio and video you can tell she’s smart and knows how to play the game. She’s also very enthusiastic. I think she could very well win this game. She just screams new era winner. Not too over the top, very stealthy. Under the radar. I can’t wait to see her play. 


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